Tears Dry on Their Own:
A Tribute to Amy Winehouse

Standing strong on their mission, Tears Dry On Their Own is a production dedicated to raising awareness around mental health, addiction and substance abuse through tribute performances honoring the late Amy Winehouse. Join Sally on vocals and her band of A-list musicians to discover the love and heartbreak of her story through classic hits and other hidden treasures.

Tears Dry On Their Own began as just a simple creative thought that had always lingered in the back of Sally Blandon’s mind. Her love for Amy Winehouse has had a strong influence of warmth and enlightenment, in providing a soulful presence throughout Sally’s life. While on tour with Steve Augeri, the news of Amy’s death broke right before a soundcheck for their show that night.

Sally remembers feeling such a deep grief after learning about Amy’s tragic death, and the dark narrative that would soon follow around the way Amy passed. Amy’s battle with her own demons and mental health striked a familiar feeling of loss with Sally, remembering her own childhood friend's death as a result of a long battle with mental illness. Not too long after Amy’s passing, Sally began to have a deep pull once again towards creating a tribute to Amy, but this time she knew she wanted the tribute to focus on sharing Amy’s story and changing the narrative around her death, and the disturbance that mental health illnesses can have on one's life.

Amy visited Sally in a dream one night where Sally recalls being in the wings, backstage of one of Amy’s shows. In her dream Amy was performing The Girl From Ipanema and in the middle of the song Amy forgot the words and turned to Sally who was backstage, asking her “What are the bloody words?” Sally woke from that amusing dream laughing and her husband Mark prompted her to take the initiative to make this tribute a reality, signaling that Amy’s visit to Sally was a sign to do so. Now four years later, The Amy Tribute has been successfully shifting the vibrations around the importance of keeping mental health at forefront of prioritization.

We must never forget the impact of compassion, and truly being the change you wish to see. In a world where you simply don’t know what you don’t know, you may have no idea the countless times a stranger's tears may have had to dry on their own. With love and light, we bring you Tears Dry On Their Own!

Follow us on Instagram: @amystearstribute